Progetti di Ricerca - Laboratorio di Endocrinologia Pediatrica

I nostri progetti di ricerca coprono le seguenti principali aree di interesse:

  • Inflammation and insulin sensitivity in particular within Polycystic ovarian disease, obesity and  diabetes with a focus on the epigenetic mechanism regulated by micro RNAs, insulin signalling, HMGB1 and other pro-inflammatory cytokines;
  • Physiology and pathology of growth, in particular relative to the GH-IGF axis, IGF system, and to regulations of these sytems by miRNAs and in response to growth hormone used for treatment; Effects of CFTR malfunctioning and of inflammation on the IGF system and miRNAs;
  • The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals;
  • Collaborative studies relative to Thyroid funcion within obesity and bone function in SHOX deficiency and Turner's syndrome.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 22/09/21