Dott.ssa Gaia Gavioli

Dott.ssa Gaia Gavioli, Fellow

Gaia Gavioli

Gavioli Gaia is graduated in Medical Biotechnology at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (2020).
She carried out her thesis period in the proteomics laboratory of the Pharmacology and Toxicology Department of the Modena general hospital. In particular, she followed a research project with the aim of identifying gingival tissue and saliva biomarkers to simplify periodontal diseases diagnosis and prognosis. During that period she gained experience in the proteomic analysis of different sample types.
Here, at the BioMetLab, she is currently cooperating in the project “Platelets crioconservation for prophylactic use in onco-hematology: in vitro study”, in addition she will also contribute to other project of the group.


Ultimo aggiornamento: 16/12/21